Gallery Newsletter - Holiday Party in NYC & Open Call

Greetings Artists and Friends!

The holiday season is almost here and we here at HMVC Gallery New York are thinking about hosting our first Holiday Party in New York City on December 8th.

Even though we have started to look into venues and catering options, we still want to see if there's any interest in this event.

So please go ahead and click the RSVP button to let us know your answer.

If there's enough interest in the party, we will follow up with more details next week.

In the meantime why not apply to our December Group Show "2022".

It is about time we can finally start enjoying the Roaring Twenties, and for us here at HMVC Gallery New York, 2022 has been quite a ride. And now that this chapter of this decade is reaching its conclusion we want to see what was it about this year that inspired you. Artists like to look back and reflect on the things they have seen and experienced and this can be a very rewarding activity.

Whether you like to look back and reflect on your own life or capture a moment or an event from this year, we want to see it.

★ Digital entries must be received by November 27th, 2022 before 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time.

★ Notification of acceptance will be sent by email by November 30th.

★ The show will premiere on December 1st and end on December 31st.

Submit your art on our website

Kind Regards,

HMVC Gallery New York